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Frequently Asked Questions
Have a few more questions for us? Let us help answer those.
Taking the next step in your educational and professional career is a big decision that comes with lots of questions. Feel free to contact us directly at mba@bu.edu at any time to learn more about the BU Questrom Online MBA program. To get you started, below are answers to some of our more frequently asked questions.
What degree is earned at the end of the program?
Students earn a Master of Business Administration from Boston University Questrom School of Business. There is no mention of “online” in the degree conferred.
Am I able to transfer in MBA or other graduate courses from another program?
The BU Questrom Online MBA provides learners with the globally-recognized MBA content but through an integrated curriculum design. While by the end of the program you will have received this core MBA knowledge, there are not one to one equivalents with other graduate courses. Therefore, other courses may not be counted toward the degree requirements.
Can I defer my enrollment?
While we typically only offer year-long deferrals for military or medical reasons, we do have a bit more flexibility for those looking to change entry terms by one semester (from the spring to the fall, for example). Deferral requests should be submitted by email to mba@bu.edu. If a deferral is granted, a non-refundable $1,000 tuition deposit is still required to hold your seat in the class. This deposit will be applied to your first semester tuition bill.
If you are admitted for the January entry, requests must be received no later than December 15.
If you are admitted for the August entry, requests must be received no later than July 15.
Please note, tuition is charged at time of matriculation and is subject to change.
Are there prerequisite courses or pre-work for the program?
While the Online MBA does not have official pre-requisites beyond earning an undergraduate degree and meeting all admission requirements, some skills are helpful for success in the program: Excel, MBA Math, PowerPoint, and business writing are helpful for all students. Learn more about how you can prepare for the Online MBA here.
Can I take the modules in any order?
Upon starting the Online MBA program as a matriculated student, you will begin with Module 1. After completing Module 1, Modules 2 and 3 may be taken in any order. Modules 4, 5, and 6 may also be taken in any order after completing Modules 1, 2, and 3.
Am I able to take a semester off?
Yes. Students in the Online MBA may take up to six years to complete the program. Students will work with their Student Success Specialist to plan their enrollment each semester, as well as any planned semesters off, to ensure timely completion of the MBA.
When does the program start?
For students starting in the fall semester, MOD 0 will begin in early August. For students starting in the spring semester, MOD 0 will begin in late December/early January.
When will I be introduced to my Success Specialist and Learning Facilitator?
You will meet your assigned Success Specialist and your MOD 1 Learning Facilitator during MOD 0.
When will I be notified of my team and Pod?
You will be notified of your team and Pod for MOD 1 during MOD 0 so that you can start to work together.
Will I have the same team for each module?
Teams change from MOD to MOD to give students the opportunity to work with a variety of individuals throughout their time in the program.
What is a live session and how many live sessions do I need to attend?
Live sessions are synchronous zoom facilitated learning environments with faculty, learning facilitators and students all engaging in “real time” using relevant course content. Live sessions are interactive (i.e. may include breakout groups and polling exercises). There are at least 5 mandatory live sessions that must be attended by each student on a prescribed basis (although live sessions are offered most weeks of the term) and last approx. 2 hours each.
Can I switch back and forth between the am and pm sessions?
For the five required live sessions, students must attend the session they have been assigned to with their team. For any of the non-required live sessions, students can switch back and forth between am and pm sessions and choose which one fits their schedule that week.
What are the expectations and requirements of MOD 0?
MOD 0 is a required 3-week orientation module known as Online MBA Launch. It is designed to help Online MBA students develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary to support successful online learning, as well as their responsibilities as a BU and Questrom student. In addition, our faculty will introduce the foundational building blocks for the management communications and teaming curriculum. An overarching design principle for MOD 0 is that you will begin to build good habits by experiencing the timing of the weekly learning journey that you will have in MOD 1, including when content is released, meeting with your team, and the timing of the live sessions.
MOD 0 is not a credited module, nor will you be charged tuition for this module. MOD 0 is required. Failure to fulfill the requirements for MOD 0 will result in your inability to continue to MOD 1.
Each week of MOD 0 will consist of both individual and team assignments, as well as live sessions.
What is the role of a Learning Facilitator?
Each semester, your POD (your 50-person learning group in the module) will have an assigned Learning Facilitator. They serve as your subject matter expert for each module and they are available to help you with all course related material. They will communicate with you on a regular basis about your coursework, hold office hours, and be available for one-on-one meetings. When it comes to questions about your courses, they are your first stop.
What is the role of a Student Success Specialist?
Your Student Success Specialist will support you from the start of your program to graduation. When it comes to your student experience, advising, and university resources, they are your first stop. Your Success Specialist will help you navigate the program and your life as an online student. They will help plan your schedule, share best practices for learning online, suggest ways to engage in the program community, and guide you to the various university resources you may need to enable your success in the Online MBA program. Your personal student success specialist will communicate with you regularly as you continue on this learning journey.
Who are my instructors, and do they change each module?
All modules in the OMBA program are led by the same world-class Questrom faculty who teach in our residential MBA programs. Instructor assignments will change from module to module based on faculty areas of expertise. You can see a current list of faculty who plan to teach in the program here.
What does the capstone entail?
The capstone is a comprehensive learning assignment that may take the form of a group or individual project. The capstone bridges together concepts learned throughout the course and applied either to a prescribed prompt (such is the case in Mod 1 with the automotive capstone) or organically created capstones that emerge from student interest/industry focus.
What technology is needed?
More information on technology can be found here.
How do I set up my BU email and credentials?
More information on email set up can be found here.
What books do we need to purchase for class?
Text books and academic materials will vary by module and may shift to highlight relevant content of the course.
How much do books cost?
Out of pocket expenses to students is not likely to exceed $350-$450 per module and we strive for the course materials to cost significantly less than that.
When will we get our first syllabus?
You will receive your MOD 1 syllabus on the first day of the course.
Will I have access to university networking or career services?
The OMBA is best suited for working professionals with at least
OMBA students may find an active and viable network through Questrom’s alumni community.
Students will have access to the BU and Questrom online networking platforms and recruitment site (Handshake). In addition, students will have access to a number of online career resources available to BU online students. While at this time one-on-one appointments with Questrom career staff are not a service offering, Online MBA students may attend any on-campus events that are not restricted to a certain population – similar to all BU and Questrom students. Population restrictions are visible on event calendars and on Handshake.
Will I be able to join student clubs or organizations?
Membership in the residential program student clubs is at the discretion of the clubs themselves. However, Online MBA students will have the opportunity to join a number of student communities once they have started the program. Students will be able to join as many as they’d like and ask for new communities to be created. The community members, with the help of the student success staff, will determine the extent of the engagement within the respective community.
When are tuition payments due?
More information on tuition and how to pay your bill can be found here.
Does the university offer scholarships?
At this time, due to the affordability of the program, we do not offer scholarships to online students; however, scholarships are available from a variety of external sources.
Is financial aid available?
Though no institutional scholarships are available, the goal of Questrom Graduate Financial Aid is to make your graduate degree financially possible. Our staff will work with you to review financing options, determine eligibility, and help you select the best possible means for securing your degree. More information on financial aid can be found here.