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Accessing and Paying Your Tuition Bill
Tuition bills will be generated once you are registered for classes. You will be notified that your bill is available via your BU email. The deadline for paying your bill varies by entry term. Please visit the financial aid section for payment plan information, as well as tuition payment deadlines.
All questions about your bill and tuition should be directed to BU Student Accounting Services:
Email: studenta@bu.edu
Phone: 617-353-2264
You can also see more about your student account via this website.
Once you’re ready to access your bill – navigate to the section called Money Matters (highlighted in green). Here you’ll find your invoice and financial aid information.
Invoice (tuition bill) Information:
Money Matters > Student Account Inquiry *Does not reflect charges for actual program**
If you have federal or private loans that make up all or part of your payment, these funds should appear on your invoice as pending items which reflect anticipated amount. All loans are in “PENDING” status until the start of the school semester.
Financial Aid Information:
Money Matters > Your Financial Aid > Financial Aid Awards and Educational Loans
Once your federal loan has posted, you will see this updated on your student account. If your loan is in excess of your tuition, you are eligible to request a refund through the Student Link after the start of classes. On the Student Link you will input your banking information for direct deposit. It takes 7-10 business days once our financial aid team has approved your request for the funds to post to your provided bank account.
If you have remaining funds that you do not want to utilize, you can email questromfa@bu.edu to reduce your loan amount or it will rollover into the next semester.
If federal loans do not appear on your invoice as credits or pending items, it may indicate that certain requirements for these loans have not been completed. Please contact Questrom Graduate Financial Aid at questromfa@bu.edu to check on your application.