Make an Immediate Impact by Donating the Dollar Amount of your Choosing to the Internship Fund for Social Impact!

Together, we can help strengthen the Questrom community and support all MBA students striving to make an impact across the globe.

The 2023 – 2024 Campaign

To support our peers pursuing unpaid and underpaid social impact internships with nonprofits, B Corps and public sector organizations, we have two goals:  1) engage 100% of FTMBAs in supporting the Internship Fund for Social Impact, and  2) engage alumni to support the Internship Fund for Social Impact, in recognition of the value the Fund brings to the entire Questrom community.

Thanks to the generous support of Dean Fournier and the Dean’s office, all donations up to $35,000 will be matched, a $10,000 bonus will be given if 100% of FTMBAS participate, and a $10,000 bonus will be given if 75 unique alumni donate to the Fund.

Alumni: If eligible, please consider submitting a matching donation request through your organization to double the impact of your gift!


Current participation from the Class of 2025

How Are Donations Used?

100% of your contributions to the Internship Fund for Social Impact are disbursed to students pursuing social impact internships.  Events and other programmatic costs are supported by campus sponsors, including Grad Council, the Dean’s Fund, and the Development office.
