- “Disclosure and Subsequent Innovation: Evidence from the Patent Depository Library Program,” (2021) with Markus Nagler and Martin Watzinger, American Economic Journal – Economic Policy, and NBER working paper #24660 [also, profiled on VoxEU & Cato Research Brief in Economic Policy]
- “Machine learning could improve innovation policy,” (2020) with Florenta Teodoridis, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2: 84.
- “Automation, Research Technology, and Researchers’ Trajectories: Evidence from Computer Science & Electrical Engineering,” (2020) with Florenta Teodoridis, forthcoming, Organization Science.
- “Firm Performance and State Innovation Funding: Evidence from China’s Innofund Program,” (2017) Research Policy, 46(6), 1142-1161.
- “Retractions,” (2015) with Pierre Azoulay, Josh Krieger, and Fiona Murray, The Review of Economics & Statistics, 5(97), 1118-1136. [also NBER WP#18499].
- “The America COMPETES Acts: The Future of U.S. Physical Science & Engineering Research?” (2013) prepared for the NBER Innovation Policy & the Economy workshop, April 2012 & in, Josh Lerner & Scott Stern, ed, Innovation Policy & the Economy Vol 13, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- “Economic Perspectives on Collaboration in Science,” with Patrick Gaule (2013) report for the Workshop on Institutional and Organizational Supports for Team Science, ed., National Research Council.
- “Growing Stem Cells: The Impact of U.S. Policy on the Organization of Scientific Research,” (2012) with F. Murray and S. Stern, forthcoming at Journal of Policy Analysis & Management.
- “Governing knowledge production in the scientific community: Quantifying the impact of retractions,”(2012) with K. Jensen & F. Murray, Research Policy, 41(2), 251-498.
- “Climbing atop the shoulders of giants: The impact of institutions on cumulative research” (2011) with S. Stern [also NBER WP#12523], American Economic Review, 101(5), 1933-1963.
- “An NCI Perspective on Creating Sustainable Biospecimen Resources” (2011) with J. Vaught, J. Rogers, K. Myers, M. Lim, N. Lockhart, H. Moore, and C. Compton, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 42, 1-8.
- “The Economics of Science and Technology Leadership,” Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook, William Sims Bainbridge, Editor, Sage Publications, 2011.
- “More for the research dollar,” (2010) with Fiona Murray and Scott Stern, Nature, 468, 757-758.
- “Organizational Innovation & Academic Collaboration: The role of universities in the emergence of U.S. Pharmaceutical research laboratories,”
with M. MacGarvie, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2009.
- “When the pill peddlers met the scientists: The antecedents and implications of early collaborations between U.S. pharmaceutical firms and universities,” with M. MacGarvie, Essays in Economic & Business History, 2008.
- “Academic science and early industrial research labs in the pharmaceutical industry,” (with M. MacGarvie), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2007 (also NBER WP#11470).
- “The Pharmaceutical Industry,” in The Encyclopedia of Globalization, Robertson, R. and J.A. Scholte (ed.), New York, NY: Routledge, 2006.
- “Public & Private Spillovers, Location, and the Productivity of Pharmaceutical Research,” with M. Kyle, I. Cockburn, and R. Henderson, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 2005 (also NBER WP#12509).
- “Catching up or standing still? National innovative productivity among ‘follower’ nations, 1978-1999,” with R. Hayes, Research Policy (2004). [reprinted in Technological Change & Economic Catch-Up: The Role of Science and Multinationals. Grazia Santangelo, ed., Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.]
- “A penny for your quotes?: The impact of biological resource centers on life sciences research,” with S. Stern, in Biological Resource Centers: Knowledge Hubs for the Life Sciences, ed. S. Stern, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2004.
- “Location and strategy: Exploring the role of location in the organization of pharmaceutical research laboratories,” Advances in Strategic Management, 2003.
- “The determinants of national innovative capacity,” with S. Stern and M. Porter, Research Policy, 2002 (also NBER WP#7376).
- “Turnarounds,” with A. McGahan, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2002.
- “Deriving the determinants of national innovative capacity,” with S. Stern and M. Porter, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2000.
- “Understanding the drivers of national innovative capacity – Implications for Central European economies,” with S. Stern, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 2000.
- “The Drivers of National Innovative Capacity: Implications for Spain and Latin America,” (“Los Factores Impulsores de la Capacidad Innovadora Nacional: Implicaciones para España y America Latina”), with M. Porter and S. Stern, in Claves de la Economia Mundial, 2000.
- “Does industry matter differently in different places? A comparison of industry, corporate parent, and business segment effects in four OECD countries,” permanent working paper
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