What we do




As our community and impact continue to grow, we carry forward a deep commitment to making a difference. With our motto “Women Mean Business,” we strive to build a strong and empowering community that invests in ourselves and in one another. We are devoted to empowering, educating, and connecting our community of young aspiring business professionals to become the next generation of pioneering female leaders.  

Through our interactive and informative series of workshops, speaker panels, networking and community-building events, and annual “Women Mean Business” Spring Conference, we cultivate a growing network of diverse female professionals across top businesses each year, as we strive to support our undergraduate members in launching, navigating, and succeeding at their careers as women in business.


Founded in 2015 by two empowering BU undergraduate women, herNetwork serves as the premier Boston University Women in Business Club.

Dedicated to bridging the corporate gender gap and advancing a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace for female representation, we’ve transformed into a leading network and mentorship hub for our community of over 1,000 undergraduate women at Boston University and beyond.

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