Final Exam Schedule Posted
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
The Fall 2018 final exam schedule has been published on the Link, and you and your students can now look up your individual final exam schedule. Please log on to review your final exam schedule to ensure that your exams have been scheduled as we discussed. Please also encourage your students to the do the same.
Please ask your students to let you know if they have any conflicts (see further instructions below). We recommend giving them a deadline for this feedback so that you have time to assess any potential needs for make-up exams.
Instructions for faculty to see their final exam schedule:
- Log in to the Faculty Link –
- Click on ‘Class Lists’
- Click on ‘exam schedule’ at the top left of your screen
Instructions for students to see their final exam schedule:
- Log in to the StudentLink –
- Click on ‘Academics’
- Click on ‘Final Exam Schedule’
Please review the University’s Final Exam Policy. The quick version is this: Students are not required to take three or more exams in a 24-hour period, and the professor of the middle exam (usually the 12:30pm exam) should provide an alternate accommodation for these students. Instructors of exams that are ‘off-grid’ (including the evening exams for the big coordinated courses, and those who combined two or three sections of an elective) should also provide an alternate accommodation for students with two exams at the same time, or students with 3 exams in 24-hours.
Instructors can identify conflicts by reviewing their Final Exam Matrix on the Faculty Link. We are happy to help determine which instructor a student should go to if they have a conflict, and we’re also happy to assist in arranging an alternate accommodation.
Please reach out to me for questions about undergraduate courses, and to Grace Uygun for questions about graduate courses.
Rebecca DiMattia
Associate Director of System Administration & Operations
Undergraduate Academic & Career Development Center
Boston University Questrom School of Business
Grace Uygun
Assistant Registrar
Graduate Academic & Career Development Center
Boston University Questrom School of Business