The Global Management Experience (GME) is a four-credit course that emphasizes analytical work during the first half of the spring semester on campus, and culminates with a field study to Asia during Spring Break. Each year the countries and cities are changed. Pre-travel course work includes exploration of economic, governmental, and social factors that affect the conduct of business, and ethics, in a variety of industries and contexts. During our week abroad, you’ll visit business executives, government leaders and entrepreneurs, observing first-hand the application of management principles and strategies in the global arena. We also host social events with BU alumni in the area!
While GME is hosted in Questrom, the program is open to, and undertaken by, students from schools and colleges across Boston University. We strive to provide business visits and course content that appeals to anyone who is interested in global experiences, whether that’s business, international relations, hospitality, engineering, or anything between!
If you have questions about the course, please reach out to Professor Greg Stoller at
2025 Destinations: Hong Kong & Ho Chi Minh City!
Interest Form
If you’d like to be notified of information regarding GME as it becomes available, let us know!
Course Overview
Hear Professor Greg Stoller give an overview of the class!
For any countries where YouTube might be blocked or is experiencing bandwidth issues, here is a link to the same video on BU’s MyMedia site.
Who can take QST IM475?
GME is recommended for juniors and seniors from all schools and colleges. In certain circumstances, sophomores may be considered for the program. If you are interested in Asian business, culture, or industry practices, GME is for you!
Enrollment in IM475 is an application-based process. The application includes several short and long answer questions, and requires a copy of your resume.
In order to bring a classroom of students across the world, GME requires a fee not covered by semester tuition. For Spring 2025 the course fee is $3,900. Scholarship funding is available and will be released along with application decisions in November.
Does GME sound like a fit for you? Applications open October 1st!
Global Management Experience Timeline
September & October
October 1
GME Applications Open
November 1
Applications Due
Applications close November 1 at 5 pm
November 20
Decisions Released via Email
November 27
Non-refundable Deposit Due
A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your place
Early/Mid December
GME Meet and Greet
Classes Begin
Attend six pre-travel class sessions!
See last year’s Syllabus (subject to change)
March - Spring Break
Field Study Departure!