Program Mission
The Questrom Health Sector Management Program prepares early to mid-career professionals from around the world for future roles as ethical, successful, and innovative leaders in the health sector. The program combines core disciplines of management with crucial understanding of the challenges and opportunities that the health sector presents. Questrom faculty conduct research and collaborate with health sector professionals to expand knowledge and promote innovation and excellence in the field.
Program Competencies
Background: The MBA core and Health Sector courses are integrative in nature, with students developing key competencies in both types of courses as part of the HSM Program. Competencies capture the driving forces of our program and serve to guide the curriculum. The Questrom School of Business seeks to not only educate our students with fundamental core concepts, but provide them with deeper learning that distinguishes us from other programs. In addition to core concepts, our competencies include blends of ethical perspective, leadership, team skills, and the ability to think cross-functionally. This is appropriate given that, as its mission states, the Program prepares early to mid-career professionals from around the world to become ethical, successful, and innovative leaders in the health sector. Please see below for the HSM Program competencies, which include the MBA Program competencies/learning goals.
The competencies for the HSM Program include:
- Responsible business leadership
- Effective communication
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Collaboration
- Entrepreneurial mindset
- An understanding of the breadth and complexity of the health sector.
- Strategies and execution in the health sector.
The Health Sector Management Program curriculum combines a strong education in the core functions of health sector management with the flexibility to obtain an enhanced understanding and skill set within the student’s specialized interest area. In addition to the core MBA program, HSM students must take two HSM elective courses and have an internship experience in health between the first and second years of study.
The curriculum uses a proven approach to:
- Build on the functional skills of the core MBA curriculum,
- provide targeted understanding of the nature of the health sector and the application of those basic skills to the sector, and
- flexibly address specialized interests within the sector, whether life science products, health service delivery, consulting, or any other industry segment. This unusual combination of full MBA education and a specialized health sector focus provides the optimal background for success in the field.
HSM Required Courses:
Students must take 5 health sector courses to complete the HSM Program.
The Formula:
HM703 Health Sector Issues and Opportunities (MOD 4)
HM820 Strategy, Economics, & Policy in the Health Sector (Fall Year Two)
HM717 Drugs, Devices & Diagnostics: New Challenges, Strategies, and Execution (Fall Year Two)
HM710 Health Service Delivery: Strategies, Solutions, and Execution (Fall Year Two)
2 health sector electives (see Courses & Faculty tab for full listing)
By combining the MBA core with specific health related courses, the Health Sector Management Program at Boston University exposes students to the core competencies, or learning goals, of a traditional MBA program, which are then applied within the context of the health sector.
HSM Curriculum Grids
HSM Full-Time MBA
Contact our Staff
Ned Rimer
Faculty Director, Health Sector Management Program
Executive-in-Residence / Senior Lecturer
Chelsea Houlihan
Program Manager, Specialty MBA Programs and Curricular Initiatives
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME)
CAHME serves the public by promoting, evaluating, and improving the quality of graduate healthcare management education in the United States and Canada. CAHME is an interdisciplinary group of educational, professional, clinical, and other health sector organizations devoted to quality improvement of education for healthcare management and administration professionals. CAHME accreditation establishes the standard of measurement of graduate healthcare management education for the world community.
CAHME is the only organization recognized to grant accreditation to individual academic programs offering a professional master’s degree in healthcare management education and is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation. CAHME Accreditation is the benchmark for students and employers alike that ensures the integrity of healthcare management education. CAHME is also a member of the Association of Specialized & Professional Accreditors (ASPA) and adheres to the ASPA Code of Good Practice.
Please visit the CAHME Resources page to learn more about CAHME’s corporate bylaws and handbook of policies and procedures.
Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA)
The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) is a global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals and organizations dedicated to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery through excellence in healthcare management and policy education. Its mission is to foster excellence and drive innovation in health management and policy education, and promote the value of university-based management education for leadership roles in the health sector. It is the only non-profit entity of its kind that works to improve the delivery of health services – and thus the health of citizens – throughout the world by educating professional managers. AUPHA’s membership includes the premier baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degree programs in health administration education in the United States, Canada, and around the world. Its faculty and individual members represent more than 400 colleges and universities.
Business School Alliance for Health Management (BAHM)
Formed in 2010, BAHM is a collaborative non-profit organization, comprised of the country’s most prestigious business schools, committed to the belief that management education, applied to the challenges of healthcare delivery and healthcare innovation, plays a special role in creating new and important solutions.
While other academic disciplines address policy issues facing the health sector, business schools represent the vital link between addressing the practical issues of managing companies and developing leadership for healthcare institutions.
Our efforts include the establishment of our own adjunct faculty network, doctoral student webinars and the BAHM-sponsored Business of Healthcare Journal: Health Management, Policy & Innovation. Since April 2011, we have hosted Case Competitions for students attending BAHM institutions. Our newest venture is the creation of an online Community to encourage dialogue among students and alumni from BAHM-member institutions.
Website here:
Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council is an association of more than 650 biotechnology companies, universities, academic institutions and others dedicated to advancing cutting edge research. We are the leading advocate for the Bay State’s world premier life sciences cluster.
We drive innovation by creating a forum for the biotechnology community to come together, educating the public and policy makers, influencing public policy and advancing the economic interests of individual companies, as well as the sector as a whole.