2019 Agenda

8:30 AM9:00 AM30Breakfast
9:00 AM9:05 AM5Welcome
9:0510:50 AMLong papersDivide and Conquer in Two-Sided Markets: A Potential-Game ApproachLester Chan, Boston Univ.Hanna Halaburda, New York Univ.
A Model for Value Co-Creation through Cross-Producer BundlesHemant Bhargava, UC DavidDe Liu, Univ. of Minnesota
Competing with Giant Platform Operators: An Analysis of Which Traditional Manufacturing Companies are at Risk from Strategic Dependence on Other Companies’ Platforms in the Emerging Era of the Internet of ThingsMaximillian Schreieck, Technische Universität MünchenDanny Sokol, Univ. of Florida
10:50 AM11:05 AM15Break
11:05 AM11:50 AM45Short papersOptimal Segmentation in Platform Strategy: Evidence from Geotargeted AdvertisingBo Cowgill,
Columbia University
Do Digital Platforms Reduce Moral Hazard? The Case of Uber and TaxisMeng Liu, Washington Univ. in St. Louis
Platform Competition with Multihoming on Both Sides: Subsidize or Not?Yannis Bakos, New York Univ.
Impact of Platform Venture Capital Investments on the Introduction and Withdrawal of Complementary ProductsJoey van Angeren, VU Amsterdam
Quality Regulation on Two-Sided Platforms: Exclusion, Subsidy, and First-party ApplicationsPeng Huang, Univ. of Maryland
11:50 AM12:05 PM15Break
12:05 PM1:15 PM70Long papersNetwork Structures and Entry into Platform MarketsXinxin Li, Univ. of ConnecticutJianqing Chen, UT Dallas
Certification, Reputation and Entry: An Empirical AnalysisSteve Tadelis, UC BerkeleyWen Wen, UT Austin
1:15 PM2:00 PM45Lunch
2:00 PM3:45 PM105Long papersOptimal Price Discrimination and Measurement of Network EffectsSeth Benzell, MITChris Forman, Cornell
Platform Systems vs. Step Processes—The Value of Options and the Power of ModularityCarliss Baldwin, Harvard Chris Tucci, EPFL
Search, Selectivity, and Market Thickness in Two-Sided MarketsJessica Yu, StanfordAnanya Sen, CMU
3:45 PM4:00 PM15Break
4:00 PM4:45 PM45Short papersThe Battle for Homes: How Does Home Sharing Disrupt Local Residential Markets?Wei Chen, Univ. of Arizona
Trust and Disintermediation: Evidence from an Online Freelance MarketplaceGrace Gu,
Convenience vs. Pleasance: Matching on Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions and The Information Design on Peer-to-Peer PlatformsJinzhao Du, Univ. of Hong Kong
Platform Valuation: Profit or User Base?Zhou Zhou, Boston
Univ.; Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston
Dog Eat Dog: Measuring Returns to Scale Using a Digital Platform MergerChiara Farronato, Harvard
4:45 PM5:00 PM15Break
5:00 PM6:10 PM70Long paperMuch ado About Nothing? Online Platform Price Parity Clauses and the EU Booking.com CaseCarlo Reggiani, Univ. of ManchesterAvi Goldfarb, Univ. of Toronto
Short paperNew Patterns of Power & ProfitEric Clemons, University of Pennsylvania
Long paperAn Analysis of Multi-Sided Platform Research Over the Past Three Decades: Framework and DiscussionMichael A. Cusumano, MIT
6:15 PM7:15 PM60Cocktail hour The Castle, 225 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA
7:15 PM8:45 PM90Conference dinnerEastern Standard Restaurant, 528 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA
Bonus Material
Short Essay A Response to Fake News as a Response to Citizens UnitedMarshall Van Alstyne
PaperPlatform Pricing and Investment to Drive Third Party Value Creation in Two-Sided NetworksBurcu Tan,
Edward G. Anderson, Geoffrey Parker
PaperWhy Some Platforms Thrive and Others Don’tFeng Zhu, Marco Iansiti
PaperFriends or foes? Examining platform owners’ entry into complementors’ spacesFeng Zhu
PaperPlatforms and Infrastructures in the Digital AgePanos Constantinides, Ola Henfridsson, Geoffrey Parker
Paper Innovation, Openness, and Platform ControlGeoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne
PaperPlatforms and the exploration of new productsAndrei Hagiu, Julian Wright
PaperCreating platforms by hosting rivals
Andrei Hagiu,
Bruno Jullien, Julian Wright