8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | 30 | Breakfast | | | |
9:00 AM | 9:05 AM | 5 | Welcome | | | |
9:05 | 10:50 AM | | Long papers | Divide and Conquer in Two-Sided Markets: A Potential-Game Approach | Lester Chan, Boston Univ. | Hanna Halaburda, New York Univ. |
| | | | A Model for Value Co-Creation through Cross-Producer Bundles | Hemant Bhargava, UC David | De Liu, Univ. of Minnesota |
| | | | Competing with Giant Platform Operators: An Analysis of Which Traditional Manufacturing Companies are at Risk from Strategic Dependence on Other Companies’ Platforms in the Emerging Era of the Internet of Things | Maximillian Schreieck, Technische Universität München | Danny Sokol, Univ. of Florida |
10:50 AM | 11:05 AM | 15 | Break | | | |
11:05 AM | 11:50 AM | 45 | Short papers | Optimal Segmentation in Platform Strategy: Evidence from Geotargeted Advertising | Bo Cowgill,
Columbia University
| |
| | | | Do Digital Platforms Reduce Moral Hazard? The Case of Uber and Taxis | Meng Liu, Washington Univ. in St. Louis | |
| | | | Platform Competition with Multihoming on Both Sides: Subsidize or Not? | Yannis Bakos, New York Univ. | |
| | | | Impact of Platform Venture Capital Investments on the Introduction and Withdrawal of Complementary Products | Joey van Angeren, VU Amsterdam | |
| | | | Quality Regulation on Two-Sided Platforms: Exclusion, Subsidy, and First-party Applications | Peng Huang, Univ. of Maryland | |
11:50 AM | 12:05 PM | 15 | Break | | | |
12:05 PM | 1:15 PM | 70 | Long papers | Network Structures and Entry into Platform Markets | Xinxin Li, Univ. of Connecticut | Jianqing Chen, UT Dallas |
| | | | Certification, Reputation and Entry: An Empirical Analysis | Steve Tadelis, UC Berkeley | Wen Wen, UT Austin |
1:15 PM | 2:00 PM | 45 | Lunch | | | |
2:00 PM | 3:45 PM | 105 | Long papers | Optimal Price Discrimination and Measurement of Network Effects | Seth Benzell, MIT | Chris Forman, Cornell |
| | | | Platform Systems vs. Step Processes—The Value of Options and the Power of Modularity | Carliss Baldwin, Harvard | Chris Tucci, EPFL |
| | | | Search, Selectivity, and Market Thickness in Two-Sided Markets | Jessica Yu, Stanford | Ananya Sen, CMU |
3:45 PM | 4:00 PM | 15 | Break | | | |
4:00 PM | 4:45 PM | 45 | Short papers | The Battle for Homes: How Does Home Sharing Disrupt Local Residential Markets? | Wei Chen, Univ. of Arizona | |
| | | | Trust and Disintermediation: Evidence from an Online Freelance Marketplace | Grace Gu,
| |
| | | | Convenience vs. Pleasance: Matching on Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions and The Information Design on Peer-to-Peer Platforms | Jinzhao Du, Univ. of Hong Kong | |
| | | | Platform Valuation: Profit or User Base? | Zhou Zhou, Boston
Univ.; Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston
| |
| | | | Dog Eat Dog: Measuring Returns to Scale Using a Digital Platform Merger | Chiara Farronato, Harvard | |
4:45 PM | 5:00 PM | 15 | Break | | | |
5:00 PM | 6:10 PM | 70 | Long paper | Much ado About Nothing? Online Platform Price Parity Clauses and the EU Booking.com Case | Carlo Reggiani, Univ. of Manchester | Avi Goldfarb, Univ. of Toronto |
| | | Short paper | New Patterns of Power & Profit | Eric Clemons, University of Pennsylvania | |
| | | Long paper | An Analysis of Multi-Sided Platform Research Over the Past Three Decades: Framework and Discussion | Michael A. Cusumano, MIT | |
6:15 PM | 7:15 PM | 60 | Cocktail hour | The Castle, 225 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA | | |
7:15 PM | 8:45 PM | 90 | Conference dinner | Eastern Standard Restaurant, 528 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | Bonus Material | | |
| | | Short Essay | A Response to Fake News as a Response to Citizens United | Marshall Van Alstyne | |
| | | Paper | Platform Pricing and Investment to Drive Third Party Value Creation in Two-Sided Networks | Burcu Tan,
Edward G. Anderson, Geoffrey Parker | |
| | | Paper | Why Some Platforms Thrive and Others Don’t | Feng Zhu, Marco Iansiti | |
| | | Paper | Friends or foes? Examining platform owners’ entry into complementors’ spaces | Feng Zhu | |
| | | Paper | Platforms and Infrastructures in the Digital Age | Panos Constantinides, Ola Henfridsson, Geoffrey Parker | |
| | | Paper | Innovation, Openness, and Platform Control | Geoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne | |
| | | Paper | Platforms and the exploration of new products | Andrei Hagiu, Julian Wright | |
| | | Paper | Creating platforms by hosting rivals
| Andrei Hagiu,
Bruno Jullien, Julian Wright | |