Transfer Credit Pre-approval:
U.S. College/University
Step 1: Be sure to talk with an academic advisor in the UDC about taking a course at another college/university so you are sure that it will fulfill the requirement/elective that you intend for it to fulfill.
Step 2: Go the Registrar’s Transfer Equivalency Site to see if the course you wish to take at another U.S. college/university has already been pre-approved. Read this site carefully and if any information is not clear, please contact your Questrom academic advisor for clarification.
Step 3a: If the course you wish to take at another U.S. college/university, has already been pre-approved according to the Registrar’s Transfer Equivalency site fill out this form so that the Questrom UDC knows of your intention to take the course and so that the transfer credit coordinator can send you instructions for completing the transfer credit process after you take the course.
Step 3b: If the course you wish to take at another U.S. college/university, has NOT been pre-approved according to the Registrar’s Transfer Equivalency site, you will need to complete the full Transfer Credit Approval process outlined here.
Step 4: Register for your pre-approved course at another U.S. college/university. In order to receive credit, you must earn a grade of C or better. Once you have completed the course, please have an official transcript sent from the institution directly to the following address:
Credit Evaluation Department
881 Commonwealth Avenue, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02215
If the college uses an online e-transcript service, please send the official electronic transcript to Please be sure to select an option where you can manually type in the email – if this is not done, your transcript will be sent to BU Admissions and and this will delay your credit transfer.
You will be notified by email when the UDC receives the signed pre-approval form and an official transcript and applies academic credit to your record for a completed transfer course.