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The Jam doesn’t cost anything and is open to everyone.
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On September 30 – October 2, 2014, Boston University Questrom School of Business, in collaboration with IBM and premier sponsors, will launch the Business Education Jam: Envisioning the Future. The Jam will be an event like never before—and it’s free. Over a 60-hour period, you’ll have the opportunity to brainstorm with nearly 100 VIP guests, executives, researchers, scholars, students, and stakeholders from across the globe in concurrent virtual discussion forums. Together, we’ll build a more innovative future for business schools and businesses alike.
The conversation doesn’t end when the last participant logs off. IBM’s Innovation Jam software will analyze every word and produce a blueprint for the future that includes actionable next steps, survey results from quick polls, and best ideas from discussion threads. Get ready to Jam.
The Jam doesn’t cost anything and is open to everyone.
Log in from anywhere at anytime over three days—for 10 minutes or 10 hours.
IBM will analyze every word and break them down into actionable next steps.