We’re launching the Business Education Jam, a 60-hour online brainstorm, to prove just how well we can take it, too.
Considering there were more 22-year-olds in the U.S. in 2013 than any other age, this is the perfect time to make sure you’re supported and prepared. You’re on the front lines of a shifting economy, and you have been since birth. As your generation rises in the ranks, business schools must update their teaching methods to keep up with you, the world’s go-getters, and arm students with the skills they need to succeed—from offering more opportunities to gain real-world experience to sending them across the globe to understand cultural impact on management. What are we missing? You know best.
The Jam isn’t just a place to complain either. This unique virtual environment gives you the chance to engage with employers around the world (Your future boss, perhaps?) in fascinating discussion forums and tell them how you work best so you can get to where you want to be, and so they can better support, utilize, and develop your innovative, creative, tech-savvy abilities.