Events Committee
The Events committee supports the Events Coordinator in overseeing the timing and coordination of Questrom Government’s events. The committee will help check in with slates and committees during meetings, planning for tabling, and communicating planning with the marketing committee to schedule social media posts.
Advocacy Committee
Inspired by Questrom Student Government’s duty to represent and serve the Questrom student body, the Advocacy Committee, in the broadest sense, actively seeks to improve the Questrom student experience by facilitating student feedback and executing advocacy initiatives. The committee strives to identify and execute its own initiatives in addition to initiatives identified in collaboration with other student government channels, such as the All Questrom Conference. The committee structure includes, but is not limited to, two committee co-chairs, a general membership, and the Executive Vice President of Internal Affairs as an Executive Board liaison.
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee supports the Co-Chairs, the Social Media Manager and Head Designer, in all aspects of marketing management for Questrom Student Government. This includes but is not limited to the QuestromGov Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. The committee will support the Head Designer in creating logos, images, and designs for events and other uses, as well as the monthly “Stall Street Journal.”
Community Service Committee
The Community Service Committee supports the Committee Chair in organizing Community Service initiatives, including the winter Frosty’s Friends Toy Drive and Questrom’s Month of Service. We encourage student involvement in giving back to the greater Boston community through Questrom Government’s community service initiatives, which aligns with Questrom’s mission to “prepare innovative and ethical leaders who understand the impact of business on society and create value for the world.”
David Gao ’23 — Community Service Director
Joanna Hsieh ’22
Major: Business Administration and Management
Concentrations: Marketing, Information Systems
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Hello! My name is Joanna Hsieh and I’m from San Jose, CA, in the heart of Silicon Valley! I am your Questrom Lead Senator, and have also formerly served as the Administrative Assistant as well as a Senator. I am also a member of the Inbound Team for the Guerilla Marketing Society as well as a senior consultant in the BU Consulting Group. If you have any concerns or issues you would like addressed, Questrom or BU-wide, please feel free to contact me, and I will see what I can do for you! My fellow senators and I are here to support you in your BU journey.
Michael Leone ’23
Major: Business Administration
Concentrations: Finance and Law
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH
Hello Everyone, my name is Michael Leone and I am a sophomore here at Questrom, planning to concentrate in Finance and Law. In addition to Questrom Student Govt, I am also a junior analyst for the BU Finance and Investment Club. Outside of my academic studies, I am an avid runner who you will most definitely see at some point along the Esplanade. Make sure to say hi if that is the case. I am excited to advocate on your behalf of the student body, so please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments.
Amy Luo ’24
Major: Business Administration and Management
Concentrations: Management Information Systems
Minor: Theatre Arts
Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL
LinkedIn Profile:
Hi! My name is Amy and I’m serving as Questrom Senator this year. I’m originally from Fort Lauderdale, FL and yes, the Boston cold is awful.
My hobbies include: theatre which I have been doing it for as long as I can remember, politics which has become a big part of my life in the past three years, as well as binging Criminal Minds and eating handfuls of Flaming Hot Cheetos at a time. Some other clubs/organizations I’m involved in are the Marketing Committee of Spoon University, Content Committee of BU Marketing Club, Events Staffer at BU Student Government as well as a member of Stage Troupe and the Asian Student Union.
I joined Questrom Student Government as making a mark wherever I go and being involved in school beyond academics has always been something very important to me and Questrom Student Government seemed like the perfect place to exercise these passions of mine.
Some of my favorite places in Boston are, Scoop n Scootery (for the best ice cream you’ve ever had), Tatte (amazing breakfast sandwhiches), Playa Bowls (yummy acai), and Greco.
A fun fact about me is I have double jointed fingers so I’m able to bend them back.
I’m so excited to see what we can accomplish this school year!
Noah Greif ’24
Major: Business Administration and Management
Concentrations: Undecided
Hometown: Wakefield, Massachusetts
Hello everyone! I am from Wakefield, Massachusetts, only 20 minutes from BU. I am studying business administration with hopes of working in the sports industry in some way, whether on the executive and management side, or the public relations side. During high school, I was captain of my tennis team and a band section leader. I have interned and worked for two local businesses, including writing for town’s newspaper, the Wakefield Daily Item, and marketing for the Boys and Girls Club of Stoneham and Wakefield. When I’m not focusing on academia, I love to jam out on the trumpet, baritone or piano, hit the tennis courts, watch sports and just take leisurely walks. Being a Boston native for my whole life, I highly recommend Tasty Burger and Boston Burger Company, the North End for practically any Italian food or pastries, and the Isabella Gardner Stewart Museum if you’re looking for a quiet break from the rush of the city. Whether you’re a sports fan or not, I also recommend going to some if not all of the sporting events here. We have the best fans in the world (nice try New Yorkers). An interesting fact about me is I can do some great impressions whether it’s a cat, Donald Duck or Yoshi (pretty weird, I know). I’m so excited to represent Questrom and BU as a senator, so please feel free to reach out if you have concerns about your experience here in Boston.
Thomas Liu-Shao ’22
Major: Business Administration
Concentrations: Management Information Systems
Dual Degree: Computer Science
Social Media:
My name is Thomas Liu-Shao and I’m from Foster City, CA – a suburb of beautiful San Francisco. I am a freshman thinking about concentrating in Management Information Systems and minoring in Computer Science. Outside of school, my main interests are food, fitness, and sneakers. I love exploring Boston’s diverse food scene, lifting at FitRec, and adding to my sneaker and streetwear collection back home. I also like to think that I have a well-rounded taste in music. Some of my favorite artists right now include BROCKHAMPTON, Mac DeMarco, John Mayer, and Tyler, the Creator. Outside of Questrom Gov, I am also involved in BizTech and have some big moves coming up next semester. Looking forward to representing Questrom!
William Zhou ’22
Major: Business Administration
Concentrations: Finance
My name is William (Will) Zhou, and I am from New York. I am in the Questrom class of 2022 majoring in business administration and management and am a Boston University Student Union Questrom senator, as well as a member of the All-Campus Orchestra. I was awarded the National AP Scholar Awards for two consecutive years and am a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. I enjoy studying photography, having been a finalist of the Photographer’s Forum Best of College and High School International Photography Competition for the past two years in a row. I have played in and led many orchestras, including the Conference All-State Orchestra, the Area All-State Youth Symphony, the All County Orchestra, and the Greater Westchester Youth Symphony. I also use my knowledge to help out hundreds of thousands of people on a daily basis at an international scale. I achieve this through several of my projects, including two chatbots that I have launched and promoted, as well as open source programming community projects and curated code repositories with hundreds of contributors that I founded and maintain. Just as my projects and activities enable me to connect people worldwide, I plan on applying my knowledge and experience of interacting with the diverse community here at BU. One of the essential duties of a BU senator is to connect with the student body, and I look forward to meeting new people and hearing everyone’s thoughts, opinions, questions, and concerns!
Administrative Assistant
Club Liaison
Madison Miranda ’24
Major: Business Administration
Concentrations: Finance
Trishanka Khanna ’22
Major: Business Administration
Concentrations: Finance
Minor: Political Science
Hi My name is Trishanka Khanna and I’m from Short Hills, New Jersey. Back home I always knew I was interested in business primarily because my dad is a businessman. I am a freshman planning to concentrate in Finance and also pursuing a minor in political science. I love playing tennis, hiking or just hanging with friends watching the same Netflix shows again and again. This year, I am in Finance and Investment Club, Unicef Club and BU Indian Club, along with Questrom Student Government. I’m excited to get to know everyone and interact with the other Questrom Clubs on campus this year!