“When I was a kid I always wanted to be a pilot in the air force because that’s what my dad did. I thought flying was super cool and that actually developed over a while. In high school, I did air force ROTC and I thought I wanted to be in the navy for a while, but my dad convinced me to look at other careers I might find more interesting and that’s how I found about finance and that’s why I am here now.” - Quentin Taylor’22 @quinn_taylor99 | Questrom Storytellers

“My mother and father always told me to seek out experiences and try new things and that really has guided how I live. I always try to experience new things, like go out and meet new people, or travel because it’s always something new. I never did student government in high school, but because of what my parents say about trying something new I came to college with a clean slate, wanting to try new things and joined Questrom Student Government” - Emily Pang’22 | Questrom Storytellers

“We met at orientation, we were in the same group. I really liked her outfit, she was wearing white with this blue ornate design. I was like, "Do you know where we’re going right now?” and she was like, "I dont know.” We saw each other again in SM 131 and we rushed DSP together. We’re twins in DSP, we’re both sagittarius, and we have these weird encounters… a cosmic connection going on. Just today I was walking into Questrom and she was waving to me, I wasn’t even looking, but I looked over and I saw her... just little things like that. Oh we also went on spring break together to Montreal in Freshman year, and we also both did early decision to BU... a lot of coincidences” - Matt & Susanna’20 | Questrom Storytellers

“I am a go with the flow person, and that impulsivity always brings out the most exciting adventures. For example, I just throw myself into something and I stay committed to it. For example, I am part of a community service club and I have stuck with it since I showed up out of nowhere to the first meeting. I also went to Brazil for spring break, and I am really excited to keep in touch with the amazing people I met” - Sam Cooper | Questrom Storytellers

Bonnie: “We met through Questrom Ascend and I talked to him on the first day. I absolutely hated him, and I’m sure he had the same feelings towards me, but we became friends throughout. One day during SM lecture he taps me on the shoulder and asks if I wanted to do slate with him, and I said yes…” William: “Hold on you asked me...” Bonnie: “And through working on that we became BFFs now right?” - Bonnie Ngai’22 @bonniengaii & William Liu’22 @williamliu121 | Questrom Storytellers

“We met his freshman year and my sophomore year. It was my first year on E-Board and Julian was the administrative assistant for the first E-Board meeting. We have been on E-Board together since then and now we are close friends” - Trish Utomo’19 @trishutomo & Julian Burlando’20 @julian_burlando | Questrom Storytellers

“What excites me right now is graduating and entering the real world, it’s also terrifying. I feel like I am actually ready to enter the world. I ended up here through friends who dragged me to my first student government meeting, and I was reluctant to go, but then I went to the first meeting and it was actually really fun.” - Mitchell Appell ‘19 @mitchappell | Questrom Storytellers

“I think I would be famous for something to do with music because I was planning on going to music school for piano performance until October of my senior year of high school. I decided to go into business because I thought it was the more profitable and practical route. I would like to at some point figure out a way to combine a business with my musical passion.” - Alikah Marshall ‘22 @alikah_mai | Questrom Storytellers

“Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed with how much I need to do I think about myself in past, present and future terms. If I am in a meeting right now and something in my mind pops up, I ask myself is this a present or future CC problem, and if it’s a future CC problem I will deal with it later.” - Cecilia Yudin, Academic Advisor | Questrom Storytellers

“When I’m not working, I am working out or playing Fortnite in my room with my friends from home. I started working out at the end of my junior year in high school because my friend, who is a meatball, inspired me to get big with him. Nowadays, the gym is a great place for me to take my mind off of class and work on getting 1% better every single day. I go to the gym four times a week, alternating between push day and pull day. When I’m not in the gym, I am in my room not catching dubs in Fortnite, but nonetheless still having loads of fun spending virtual time with my friends from home.” - Thomas Liu-Shao ‘22 @thomasliushao | Questrom Storytellers

“I try to find new things to be grateful for everyday. The other day I was grateful for something I got on Amazon - I got this great vinyl. Another day, something about nature, something about walking through a park and being grateful for the trees, the air, free will - something I try to be grateful for as well; not to be under any authority. I’m grateful to be here in Questrom, for family and friends. Try to be grateful for little things as well. Getting a good haircut, a good cup of coffee or something. Overall, try to be grateful about new things every single day. In general, being grateful for life. We only get one chance to live this life.” - Anthony Porco ‘22 @por.co | Questrom Storytellers

“The most important thing that my mom taught me about life and people is that you should always see other people as on your level no matter who they are. You should never look down upon someone ever, you should never feel like someone is inferior to you or think that you are better than them. But with that being said you should never look up to somebody in the sense that they are better than you. You should never feel insignificant or lesser than somebody. You should feel that you are equal to that person. That really helped me build relationships with people - healthy relationships, especially with authority because that’s the respectful way of doing things while preserving your self-dignity. When you are looking up to people all the time you have no self-dignity, you have no dignity. I live by that principle every day.” - Ori Graf ‘22 | Questrom Storytellers
Boston University Questrom School of Business
Undergraduate Academic & Career Development Center
595 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 104
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
phone: 617-353-2650