Create a Spreadsheet
Create a spreadsheet of all the guests that you’ll need accounts for. At minimum include first name, last name, and personal email address.
Send the Spreadsheet to the IT Help Center
- Send your spreadsheet to the IT Help Center by emailing ithelp@bu.edu
- Be sure to specify what permission you’ll need the guests to have (wireless, BU Google, etc.)
- Request that a spreadsheet of the usernames that the guests choose be sent back to you
Request Access to Questrom Resources
If your guests require access to Questrom resources please forward the spreadsheet/list of usernames to questromhelp@bu.edu with specific requests for access (i.e. “access to QuestromTools,” “access to the R drive”).
Notify Guests
- Once all access has been provisioned please notify your guests that they will need to visit and follow the directions at https://questromworld.bu.edu/tech/essentials/activate-ad-account/
- After completing the AD activation step users may access any requested resources